Rock to Road

News Investments Projects Roads & Paving Safety
Winnipeg prioritizes active transportation, safety in road renewal proposal

July 7, 2023  By Rock to Road Staff

(Photo credit: Thamyris, Adobe Stock)

WINNIPEG, Man. – In an aim to improve road conditions and safety while adding to its active transportation network, the City of Winnipeg is considering a new funding strategy for road renewal, proposed at a public works committee meeting on June 26.

The strategy is prioritizing safety across the city’s roadways by incorporating elements such as traffic signals, railway crossing safety improvements, permanent pavement markers, and traffic calming measures, in addition to pedestrian and cycling infrastructure.

The plan is proposing a dedicated tax increase over a 15-year period, reviewed on a four-year cycle to coincide with the multi-year budget. The total forecasted investment over this period is anticipated to be $3.4 billion.

Waverly West councillor Janice Lukes supports the model, citing the new and more stable potentials it allows for regarding safer infrastructure.


“I’m supportive of it because it also includes pieces of our infrastructure that we’ve never really set aside a budget for,” Lukes said. “If we’re doing a renewal, this proposed budget will allow for incorporation of road safety initiatives, not doing it after the fact or scrambling to find funding.”

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