Rock to Road

Products & Equipment Heavy Equipment
Volvo CE releases expanded Fluid Analysis program

October 3, 2023  By Rock to Road Staff

(Photo credit: Volvo CE)

ESKILSTUNA, Sweden – Volvo CE is aiming to make fuel analysis easier with their expanded and rebranded Fluid Analysis program.

Formerly the Oil Analysis program, the company’s preventative action service for identifying contamination and wear now includes diesel fuels and diesel exhaust fluids (DEF), lubricants and coolants.

The updated program has also added artificial intelligence as a tool for analyzing for contaminants or changes in fluid conditions. The company says the inclusion of AI to the analysis process allows for accelerated testing, providing customers with fluid reports more quickly.

Through this program, dealers can send fluid samples to one of Volvo CE’s labs, with the company providing a cloud-based report covering any diagnoses or trace elements found, along with recommended actions. Volvo CE have also increased their number of testing labs with this update, for a total of 20 global locations, with four in North America.


“The importance of fluid analysis cannot be overstated, given that early identification of these subtle patterns and anomalies can prevent costly equipment failures, minimize downtime and extend the machine’s lifespan,” said Edward Goodchild, head of repair and maintenance at Volvo CE.

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