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News Women in Construction
Quebec reports increase in women construction workers

March 8, 2024  By Rock to Road Staff

QUEBEC – Quebec has reported a total of 7,470 women workers across its construction industry, with the number rising by 250 over 2023.

Despite this positive increase, this figure represents only 3.8 per cent of the industry’s total workforce across the province, and still sits slightly below Canada’s national average of 3.9 per cent. This rate of increase makes it unlikely that the CCQ will meet its goal of having 4.5 per cent of women represent the construction industry by the end of 2024.

“This has always been a challenge for us. We used to be significantly behind the Canadian average,” said Audrey Murray, president and CEO of the Commission de la construction du Québec (CCQ), in an interview. “Of course we need to do more. And everyone is concerned by this: the CCQ, unions and construction companies alike. In fact, the good news is that I think everyone recognizes that we need to do more.”

These reported increases come by way of several initiatives from the CCQ, with their next Equal Opportunity Program campaign to survey female workers from the industry, including those still active, those who have left it in the last five years, and companies on what has helped or hindered their journeys through the industry.


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