TerraTec introduces AggreScreed
TerraTec Industries, Inc. has developed the highly
innovative AggreScreedTM – a bulldozer attachment used to rapidly lay
gravel for roads, runways, parking lots, etc., without the use of stakes,
and does so in a single pass while minimizing gravel segregation and
Aug. 16, 2011 – TerraTec Industries, Inc. has developed the highly innovative AggreScreedTM – a bulldozer attachment used to rapidly lay gravel for roads, runways, parking lots, etc., without the use of stakes, and does so in a single pass while minimizing gravel segregation and breakage.
AggreScreed by TerraTec
Attachable to virtually any straight-blade bulldozer (125-250 horsepower recommended) the 16-foot AggreScreed blade adjusts to 24 feet in two-foot increments. It’s capable of laying gravel at depths from zero to 15 inches and can create up to a three-and-a-half percent crown. The AggreScreed can reduce gravel lay down labor by up to 60% with precise material control and has proven itself by putting down 18,000 tons of aggregate in a single day with a two-man crew.
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