Rock to Road

Aggregate regs reviewed in Ontario

March 23, 2012  By  Scott Jamieson

March 23, 2012, Toronto – Opponents of the mega-quarry felt bolstered Thursday by news that the
act governing the province’s gravel resources will be getting reviewed —
even if it doesn’t help their cause much, according to a report in the Toronto Star.

On March 22, six months after the
Liberals committed to a review of the aggregate resources act, the
province followed through, announcing the legislation would be
strengthened by an all party standing committee.

The debate over aggregates  has never been hotter in Ontario.
Over the last 10 years, high profile
million dollar quarry fights in towns like Caledon, Flamborough and Mt.
Nemo gave the issue traction. It reached a boiling point last year when
The Highland Companies applied for 2,300-acre quarry.

For its review, the committee will look at the act’s consultation
process, choosing where quarries are located, as well as how operations
and rehabilitation are addressed in the legislation, best practices in
the industry, fees and royalties, as well as protecting resources and


Read the article here, or see the original Ministry of Natural Resources release announcing the all-party review here.

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